Over the last years, lots of replicas, counterfeits and fake detectors have been introduced to markets. Many plagiarists pretend to manufacture detectors "Made in Germany", but produce cheap replicas that do not work properly.
OKM's goal is to remove fake products in order to ensure that our customers obtain only genuine products of highest quality.
OKM detectors have unique security features by which genuine and fake products can be distinguished. To protect our devices, we can of course not publish these identifiers.
However, it is important for us to educate our customers of counterfeits. Thus, the following collection is intended to help you identify pirate copies and counterfeits.
Help us to protect OKM detectors and ground scanners against fraudsters! With your support, fake products can be removed from marketplaces and counterfeit sellers can be stopped.
You own a detector and want to make sure it's a genuine OKM
You want to buy a detector and would like to make sure it's a genuine OKM
Buy from authorized OKM distributors: Here you can be sure that you receive a genuine OKM product handmade in Germany.
If you intend to buy your detector somewhere else: Send us details, the serial number and photos of the device using the form below! We will be happy to clarify its authenticity for you as soon as possible.
You have come across an alleged fake product or know a counterfeit seller?
Report suspicious cases using the form below! We are grateful for any hints and will get back to you as soon as possible.
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